Shelby Bethards was only six years old when she first saw the movie Titanic. When the movie ended she proceeded to ask her mom what happened to Rose. Her mother told her that Rose died a very peaceful death in her sleep. Shelby did not like this answer. Even though this was a death with no pain, she could not stand the idea that someone could actually die in her sleep. I think fear for this specific way to die is actually normal. Almost every way people die is beyond their control, however, something about being asleep while it happens really strengthens the idea of having no control, especially to a six year old.
Shelby had anxiety almost every night for almost a year after that. Going to sleep became a genuine fear for her because she was too afraid that someone could actually die while sleeping. To help her cope, Shelby's mother used to sing her a lullaby. "The sooner you sleep, the sooner you'll wake, the night will go fast, as quick a wink. The morning will come and soon we'll be there, tomorrow we'll go to the fair. We'll ride painted horses with wind in our hair. We'll always remember the laughter we share. The sooner you sleep, the sooner you'll wake, tomorrow we'll go to the fair."
It was not until she got much older that Shelby really began to consider the meaning behind that lullaby. To her it means that pain and anxiety may linger on us from time to time, but tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow is always a gift to look forward to. Tomorrow is a new start for joy, happiness, redemption, and life. She hopes to sing this lullaby to her own children some day so she can try to help them understand the same thing.
Shelby and her mother have also share a true love for horses. Her mother teaching her to ride is one of the greatest memories she has. Shelby's overall purpose for this tattoo was just to honor her amazing mother and the memories they have shared. Shelby's mother gave her so much, including teaching her that there may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning.
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