Monday, August 29, 2016

Becky's Ferret

Rebekah Boesch, loves animals more than anything. One of her favorite kinds of animals are ferrets. She got her first ferret when she was 16 and named it Boo Radley. She got her second the following year and named it Jacoby after the lead singer of the band Papa Roach. She was content with two for a while but when she was 21 she ended up getting a third and named it Tobias after David Cross' character from the show Arrested Development. She kind of rubbed off on me and I thought I could handle getting one myself. I named it Phil after the character from the show Modern Family. Long story short she took him in and then had four ferrets. These tiny little animals mean so much to Rebekah  and she doesn't ever see herself in life not owning one at any given time.

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